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Powder Brow Aftercare

Your eyebrows will go through a series of stages:

Day 1 - A little bold, a little red, but beautiful!

Days 2-5 - Brows are looking darker & thicker than before.

Days 5-10 - They're starting to crackle, and flake. Let the flakes fall off.

Days 10-15 - The flakes have fallen off and now the brows are going through the "ghosting" stage.

Days 15-30 - Brow color is returning, just a little patchy, but nice and soft.

Weeks 4-6 - A little extra time for healing under the skin... And then it's touch up day!


  • ABSORB any oozing of lymph fluid after the procedure, blot your eyebrows with a clean cotton round or tissue as needed. This prevents the lymph from drying and creating scabs.

  • WASH your brows gently, every morning and night, with a non-scented antibacterial soap to remove bacteria and dead skin. Gently pat dry with a clean tissue. Do not use any cleansing products that contain acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliants.

  • MOISTURIZE with a grain size amount of aftercare ointment with a clean Q-tip, and spread it across the dry tattooed area after washing and drying your brows. This should be a very thin layer!

  • AVOID touching your eyebrows without clean hands, and DO NOT pick or scratch at the skin or scabs! This could result in pigment loss.

  • NO direct sun exposure (wear a hat), excessive sweating, swimming, or steaming. Please use the visors given to you for the shower for the next 7 days.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face, if possible.

  • NO topical makeup or sunscreen on the tattooed area until flaking phase is complete.

  • NO facials, botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after procedure.


Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in loss or discoloration of pigment. Please wait a full 4 weeks for complete healed results. I cannot control the healing process, therefore a touch-up is recommended after 6 weeks.

Eyeliner Aftercare

Fine Line & Tiny Tattoo Aftercare

Your eyeliner will go through a series of stages:

Days 1 -2  Bold, a little red, a little swollen, but beautiful!

Days 3-5  Skin starts to tighten and dry, eyeliner looks darker.

Days 5-10  Eyeliner is starting to scab, and flake. Let the flakes fall off.

Days 10-15  The flakes have fallen off and the eyeliner looks light.

Days 15-30  Eyeliner color is returning and may look a little patchy.

Weeks 4-6  A little extra time for healing under the skin... And then it's touch up day!


  • ABSORB any oozing of lymph fluid after the procedure, blot your eyeliner with a clean cotton round, tissue, etc. as needed. This prevents the lymph from drying and creating scabs.

  • WASH your eyes very gently, 1 hour after procedure, and every morning and night with a mild antibacterial soap to remove bacteria and dead skin. Gently pat dry with a clean tissue. Do not use any cleansing products that contain acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliants.

  • MOISTURIZE with a grain size amount of aftercare ointment with a clean Q-tip and spread it across the dry tattooed area after washing morning and night, and as needed if area feels itchy or dry. This should be a very thin layer - enough to moisturize!

  • AVOID touching your eyes/eyeliner without clean hands, and DO NOT pick or scratch at the skin or scabs! This could result in pigment loss.

  • NO direct sun exposure (wear sunglasses), excessive sweating, swimming, or steaming. Please use the visors given to you for the shower for the next 7 days.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face, if possible.

  • NO topical makeup (mascara, eyeshadow) or sunscreen on the tattooed area. After a week of healing, use a new tube of mascara.

  • NO facials, botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after procedure.


Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in loss or discoloration of pigment. Please wait a full 4 weeks for visual healed results. I cannot control the healing process, therefore a touch-up is recommended after 6 weeks.








Dermshield Healing Method- After receiving your tattoo, a Dermshield will be placed on top. The initial Dermshield should be left on for 24 hours. After 24 hours, I recommend removing the bandage under warm water (shower). After removal, cleanse with gentle unscented, antibacterial soap, pat dry with a paper towel. Once completely dry, you will reapply the second Dermshield which can stay on up to an additional 6 days.

  • The Dermshield is waterproof, however, is it not recommended to soak in the tub as it will loosen the adhesive.

  • If the Dermshield becomes punctured or peels back where the tattoo is exposed, remove the bandage, cleanse, dry, apply ointment, and follow the traditional healing method.

  • Once you have completed the first week using the Dermshields, follow the traditional healing method until your tattoo is done peeling and flaking.


Traditional Healing Method- After receiving your tattoo, a bandage will be placed on top. This can be removed after 3-4 hours once the "seeping" from your tattoo has subsided.

Once removed, cleanse your tattoo with gentle unscented, antibacterial soap, dry completely with a paper towel, and apply ointment. You can continue this method every morning and night for two weeks until your tattoo has completed the peeling or flaking stage. After two weeks continue to keep it moisturized with a basic unscented lotion like Lubriderm.

  • Do not pick, scratch, or scrub your tattoo! This will remove pigment or possibly cause an infection.

  • Do not soak your tattoo in water for at least 3 weeks for best results. (No hot tubs, baths, swimming, etc.)

  • Avoid heavy sweating, and exposure to sunlight until you have gone through the peeling & flaking stage.

  • Seeping/oozing of blood and plasma is normal to see on your tattoo.

  • Continue to care for your tattoo by keeping the area, clean, dry, and moisturized as needed. It takes at least a full 4 weeks for your tattoo to heal.

  • If your tattoo needs a touch-up, I offer complementary touch ups 6 weeks - 6 months after receiving your tattoo.

  • **If you notice any abnormal swelling, redness, streaks, foul smell, or abnormal color - please contact your doctor as this is a sign of infection.***






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